Access to a broad range of global shares from some of the top exchanges worldwide, Our clients may quickly build a diversified share portfolio and take advantage of market movements to potentially achieve big profits thanks to competitive pricing, quick trade execution, and an intuitive interface.
Park Money offers all the major stock shares allowing traders to trade underlying of the US, European, Asian, and Australian markets.
An equity CFD’s, are private contract that allows buyer and seller to speculate on the changes in a stock price without either actually owning the stock. Equity CFDs are designed to be used mostly by frequent traders in a given market rather than by long-term investors. It is great way to make profits on both raising and falling markets and excellent tool to provide cover for the downside risk management on long equities portfolio.
With the major stock indices offered by Parkmoneyfx, clients may diversify their portfolios and take advantage of global market opportunities.
By not charging commission on trades, we take pride in providing our clients with an open and equitable trading environment.
Our devoted support staff is ready around-the-clock to help with any questions, technical issues, or general account concerns.